Android: How To Access Your Local Provider Information

Modified on Fri, 24 Sep, 2021 at 12:29 PM

Storm Shield brings you forecast videos and live video streams during severe weather coverage (when available) in these local media provider markets: Denver, Detroit, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Nashville, Omaha, Tulsa, Tampa, West Palm Beach, Ft. Myers, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Lansing-Jackson, Baltimore, Buffalo, Phoenix, Tucson, Las Vegas, San Diego, Bakersfield, Boise, Tallahassee. 

When you install your app, you can choose your local media provider based on your home location. After your app has been assigned one of these local media providers, the Live Video button and Forecasted video will appear on the information screen for any location that falls within that selected local market.  Your local provider will also provide the active closings when available. Please note, your local provider's icon will appear in the lower left hand side of the screen.  If you do not see your local provider's information, please try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.  

Once you install the app, please follow the instructions below to set up your local provider in Storm Shield.

This will be the first screen that appears upon installation.  Click Next at the bottom.

If you would like to skip the free trial period, click Next again here.

Enter in your home location information.  Please note, we do suggest using your current location so you will be able to receive alerts for your specific location as you travel.

If one of our partnered local providers are available, please select the station here.  This is the source of your local forecast video and live stream (when available) will come from.

Once you are on the map screen, you will want to tap on your home location icon:

This will be your location's weather information page.  You will need to slide this information upward to access all of this location's information: 

Once you scroll through the information page, here is where your local provider will display their information that can be accessed. Tap on the play button to view the information.